巴西阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦病院29日颁发公报,传递巴西“球王”贝利于本地时间29日逝世,享年82岁。。 Former Brazilian footbal


Former Brazilian football star Pele, three-time World Cup champion, died on Thursday at the age of 82 in a hospital in Sao Paulo, victim of colon cancer, his doctors officially reported.

中国日报双语新闻 ,赞 565 公报说:“阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦病院沉痛确认埃德森·阿兰特斯·多·纳西门托,即贝利,于今天,2022年12月29日15时27分,因结肠癌形成的多器官功用衰竭而逝世。”The report of the Israelita Albert Einstein Hospital said, "the Hospital confirms with regret the death of Edson Arantes do Nascimento, Pele, today Dec 29, 2022, at 3:27 pm, due to the failure of multiple organs, as a result of the progression of colon cancer associated with his previous medical condition."贝利在社交媒体上的官方账号也颁发了“球王”逝世的动静,写道:Inspiration and love marked the journey of King Pele, who peacefully passed away today. On his journey, Edson enchanted the world with his genius in sport, stopped a war, carried out social works all over the world and spread what he most believed to be the cure for all our problems: love.灵感和爱标记着今天宁静离世的“球王”贝利的路程。在他的路程中,埃德森以他在体育方面的先天让世界为之沉迷。他避免过战争,在全世界撑持社会项目,并传布了他认为能够处理我们所有问题的良药——爱。His message today becomes a legacy for future generations.


贝利在2021年9月承受结肠癌手术,术后承受化疗,本年11月29日因病情恶化再次住进圣保罗阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦病院。在对其停止身体查抄以及对前一阶段化疗效果停止评估后,院方决定停行化疗,采纳姑息疗法。The Athlete of the Century had been hospitalized since Nov 29 at the Albert Einstein hospital, in Sao Paulo. The hospitalization took place due to a respiratory infection after he contracted COVID-19, and for the reassessment of the treatment of colon cancer. 贝利的葬礼将在桑托斯市举行,目前贝利的家人尚未透露葬礼详细细节。桑托斯市球队桑托斯队是贝利效力时间最长的俱乐部。贝利本名埃德森·阿兰特斯·多·纳西门托,1940年10月23日出生于巴西特雷斯科拉索斯,于1951年起头在巴鲁竞技青年队承受正规足球训练。1956年,贝利在巴西桑托斯足球俱乐部起头职业生活生计,并于1957年入选巴西国度足球队。他代表巴西国度队参赛92场打进77球,夺得1958、1962、1970年三届世界杯冠军,为巴西永久保留雷米特杯,被誉为“球王”。1977年,贝利颁布发表正式退役。尔后,他被国际奥委会、国际足联等授予多项荣誉,并被列入《时代周刊》20世纪更具影响力的100小我物。梅西、C罗发文吊唁梅西在社交媒体上晒照吊唁,他在配文写道:“安眠吧@贝利。”C罗写道:“我向全巴西、出格是贝利的家人暗示最深切的悲悼。只对永久的球王贝利说一声再见,远不克不及够表达出此时覆盖在整个足球世界的痛苦。他鼓励了无数人,是今天、今天以及明天永久的楷模。”Portuguese star forward Cristiano Ronaldo sent his condolences to Brazil in a post on Instagram, saying “a mere ‘goodbye’ to the eternal King Pele will never be enough to express the pain that currently engulfs the entire football world. An inspiration to so many millions, a reference yesterday, today and forever. ”再见球王
